How to add Flodesk forms to a Showit Website

March 7, 2022

Flodesk is a great tool to grow your email list. I’m going to share super easy and quick way how to add Flodesk to Showit.

Step 1: Sign up or Login on Flodesk and create new form

After login, choose forms tab and click on +New form button

Step 2: Customize your form

Choose on of Flodesk template and design Form and Message. Then click on Next and customize:

Should we enable double opt-in? > I reccomend to choose NO for a better conversion
The other two questions:

When subscribers opt in to this form > for big email list better to choose Do not notify me. If you just started and curious how your list grow you can choose Notify me

After this form is submitted > what you prefer either to display success message or redirect to URL

Step 3: Embed

After clicking continue button you will be able to see code for embed

Copy HEADER CODE and place it on the page Advanced settings > Custom HTML (see screenshot). (Other option is add this to header)

Then copy INLINE CODE and click on the canvas where you want to add this code. Click on the EMBED CODE tool and paste your code. You can check how this is going to look like on Preview mode.

Click on Publish button to save and publish your form.

On Flodesk you can to add workflow with this form and add any kind of message, freebie or lead magnet. Enjoy and grow your email list!

  1. […] After receiving the code, once again Embed code on Showit. (Full instruction on how to embed Flodesk here) […]

  2. […] you integrated all social media, marketing and other widgets that you need. (Like I personally have flodesk for marketing and typeform for applications). Later go to site settings, to set up the domain (and […]


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